Automatic Systems

The self-operating Systems are designed to function independently upon detecting a fire, without the need for any human intervention. These innovative systems incorporate a wide range of advanced technologies.

Water Sprinkler System

The Automatic Water Sprinkler  System is a powerful  fire fighting solution that employs  water as an Agent to extinguish fires.  The water flows from the sprinkler heads under calculated pressure and flow rate to cover the fire area. These sprinkler heads are strategically positioned  near the ceiling to cover the entire area below with water.

Gas Fire Suppression Systems

It is a highly efficient system that utilizes compressed gases (NOVEC, CO2, FM200)  in  cylinders at a designated pressure and is a fundamental aspect of this system, which is designed for the automatic fire protection of highly sensitive equipment, including electrical and server rooms.

Water Mist Fire Suppression System

One of the high-tech fire suppression systems  involving a specialized pump that compresses water at an extremely high pressure, which is then released through a nozzle with very narrow openings, creating millions of particles with a size of 10 microns per point. When these particles come in  contact with hot air, the temperature drops directly by 14 degrees Celsius.

Fire Pumps

The pumps are powered by electricity or diesel, and the suction  line to the pump is connected to a fixed water source.

The pump's function is to deliver high-pressure water flow to the Piping Network  connected to the water sprinkler systems , fire hoses, and other systems.

Aerosol Dry Chemical System

This is a pre-designed dry chemical system that operates in two ways. The dry chemical system in the form of powder stored in a cylinder that is activated by a discharge cartridge and distributed through a network of fixed nozzles,  or a solid block inside a generator that makes thermal reaction  when the fire is detected, producing extremely fine solid  particles that exit through  generator's nozzle.

Wet Chemical Fire Suppression

It is a system used for fire suppression  with wet chemical agents, protecting commercial kitchens from Fires Caused by  exposed flames, hot red cooking surfaces, and environments  containing large amounts of cooking oils and vapors , which can lead to fires.

Foam Fire Suppression System

It is a system that uses a unique chemical formula to smother and isolate fires caused by oils, petroleum, grease, and paints. It works by separating the burning material from oxygen and effectively cooling it down.